Inspiration for OTAs – Optimizing conversions across the traveler journey
Dear customers, dear partners, do you want to sell air tickets and other travel services online? Travelport, our main technology partner, brings you a lot of new inspiration and brand new results from their trend survey.
Travelport surveyed 2 000+ travelers across 10 countries to find out why, when, and how they're using OTAs throughout their journey.
Travelport's new infographic gives you the highlights across the six stages of the journey: inspiration, shopping, booking, pre-trip, in-trip and post-trip. View it now to see how you can engage travelers, boost conversion, create upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and build brand loyalty.
Travelport has also published a new guide we think you'll find useful: How OTAs can optimize conversions across the customer journey
The guide is packed with new research, case studies, and insights including:
Research with 2 000+ travelers who use OTAs to research or book travel
Practical tactics for increasing conversions and ancillary revenue
A sample traveler journey map and OTA traveler persona profiles
Technologies you can use to improve personalization and enhance the customer experience
And as a cherry on top, Travelport brings you more resources for your inspiration:
Inspired? Are you looking for ready-made solutions that can help you grow your OTA business? Have a look at GOL IBE (online booking tool) and GOL Mobile (native agency app for iOS and Android).
Any questions, feedback, comments? Let us know at
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